All Aluminum Telescopes with
   Platform Drive
  SlipStream GoTo Drive

About Our Platforms

Pictures: Telescopes on Platforms
The Awesome Aluminum Platform.

Platform Accessories:

    Cordless Slew Control
    Polar Alignment Tool
    Built-in Battery
Platform Pricing

Used/Demo Platforms
We Buy Back Platforms.

Full Review: 20" f3.0 SpicaEyes Telescope on a Platform

CloudyNights Review

Owners Speak Out

A Customer Review by Markus Hagi

Customer Comment of the Month
   Updated 11/23/23

 Astrophotography with a Platform
 MallinCam Imaging
 MallinCam at the 2010 OSP
 Image of the Month Updated 12/13/24



Equatorial Platforms
Phone/Fax 530 615-1807



Custom built Dobsonian mounts, clamshell rings, bearings, mirror cells, manul setting circles, ATM materials and custom parts for your telescope. CNC precision - we build to work with Tom's outstanding Equatorial Platforms.
Denkmeier Optical, Inc.
Kennedy Optics
Steve Kennedy is a experienced and gifted optician with over 20 years experience making aspheric optics. He is presently concentrating on highly-corrected large aperture parabolic mirrors (24" and 28") with f/ratios well below f4. Equatorial Platforms is collaborating with Kennedy Optics in the manufacture of large, low profile All-Aluminum Telescopes with a choice of formats: 1) the SpicaEyes Telescope System with integrated Aluminum Platform and 2) the SpicaEyes Telescope System with our new SlipStream Drive.
Lightholder Optics

Live Watch

Site has picture galleries and webcams about the scale of the universe. Good for astronomy presentations.

Lockwood Custom Optics
Mike Lockwood is an accomplished optician who specializes in smooth, thin, accurately corrected mirrors. For visual use, he produces custom mirrors from 16" to 60", at f/2.8 and up. He tests and figures most of the elliptical flats that are used with his primary mirrors.
Mag1 Instruments
Observe The Skies on a Budget
Obsession Telescopes
Sidereal Technology
This company offers an excellent Dual Servo Telescope Controller that is packed with features. Slip-clutched motor assemblies allow you to move the scope by hand without first having to de-clutch the drives, or you can move the scope with the precision servo motors using a sophisticated wireless hand pad that offers three different programmable speeds -- slewing, centering and guiding. Equatorial Platforms is using this new Telescope Controller from SiTech to drive its new line of SpicaEyes All-Aluminum Telescopes with SlipStream Drive.
Teleport Telescopes
Scope Shrouds