CCD camera used with an 18"F4.5 Telekit Dob on a Dual-axis Equatorial
Platform The Trapezium shot was 3, 0.8 second images stacked,
and sharpened using Maxim DL. The M42 shot was 7, 5 second images
stacked, log streched, and processed with Maxim DL using Digital
development, and a little sharpening. With 18" of aperture 5
seconds is as long as I can go with the ST237 before I hit saturation.
The ST237 is very sensitive and has limited dark well capacity.
Jupiter and Saturn shots were taken with the ST237 through a
2.5X Televue Powermate. The scope is an 18" F4.5 TeleKit on
a Dual-axis Equatorial Platform. All processing, color combining,
and image aquisition was done using Maxim/DL CCD. |
Mars image is an RGB image shot using a 2.5X Televue Powermate.
Each color was exposed for .01 seconds. Mars is difficult to
shoot this time around because it is so low on the southern
horizon, lots of boiling images... Images processed with MaxIm
DL, Max Ent. Deconvolution and a little sharpening.
M57 image is an LRGB image. The luminance layer consists of
15, 5 second images. The RGB layers were 3X binned, and 5, 5
second images for each color. No additional processing. |