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The Awesome Aluminum Platform.

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    Polar Alignment Tool
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Full Review: 20" f3.0 SpicaEyes Telescope on a Platform

CloudyNights Review

Owners Speak Out

A Customer Review by Markus Hagi

Customer Comment of the Month
   Updated 11/23/23

 Astrophotography with a Platform
 MallinCam Imaging
 MallinCam at the 2010 OSP
 Image of the Month Updated 12/13/24



Equatorial Platforms
Phone/Fax 530 615-1807



Bob Hanson's Customer Comments

I’d like to offer a heartfelt “thank you” for the excellent Dual Axis EQ platform that you crafted earlier during the year. It works incredibly well! I was able to obtain some magnificent views at the TMSP and Merritt Star Quest (held in the mountains of BC, Canada) with the Teleport 12.5” / Osypowski Dual Axis EQ Platform combination over the summertime and fall season! In fact, the Platform tracks so well and the sample astro photos that appear on your website are so compelling that I am very tempted to try some astro photography next summer. Your Platform is so well crafted that it encourages the owners to attempt to do things that would normally be considered impossible with a Dob. Such becomes possible when one does not have to worry about Platform management issues when using it in the field.

I would also like to thank you for your outstanding attention to Customer Service! Receipt of the Platform was a treat. The order itself was very well packed. The Platform was perfectly crafted for the Teleport telescope. The indentations that you had drilled into the top surface mate with the feet of the Teleport exactly. It is a perfect fit and a joy to set up in the field. It is so well done that I am able to place the telescope on top of the Platform without help. All that I have to do is place the “front foot” of the Teleport into the appropriate place, and the other feet just seem to line up almost by themselves. This makes setup easy, and not a chore.

I love the way that you label everything and that the purchaser can see these labels as the Platform comes right out of the box. This Customer Service item translates into the new customer being able to become familiar with their Platform quickly, with a minimal learning curve involved. The instructions are easily understood, even by new user (thank you!). You look after every detail imaginable! Even the accessory Polar Alignment Tool device that I ordered is custom crafted and aligned by you such that it is preset for my exact latitude! All I had to do is level the Platform, attach the tool, line up Polaris with the red dot in the finder, remove the PAT, flip the power switch of the Platform to “on”, pull up on the edge of the Platform to begin its cycle - and bingo, the telescope tracks beautifully, even at high magnification! It is hard to imagine the process being any easier, and boy – does it make observing a joy to do!

Two years ago, I attended the TMSP. Imagine the sun setting on the field with a beautiful sky presenting itself, ready for the enjoyment of hundreds of eager astronomers. Then something happened, that I could not help but notice. Suddenly, I could hear pockets of grumbling and cursing break out over various parts of the field of astronomers with their variety of telescopes. The cries of anguish had a common theme – GOTO malfunctions. Now consider the serious investment of time and energy involved by these men, women and families, as they had to plan for this event months in advance, book time off work, drive hundreds of kilometres (OK – miles) to arrive at the site, set up all their equipment - only to be frustrated by GOTO equipment failure. What a disappointment! The message from this experience was profound, and the decision to order a Platform for a telescope that I would not have for quite some time was made.

I did a lot of observing over the past summer and fall and the Platform performed flawlessly throughout. Usually there are people who experience GOTO issues of various types even in smaller group settings. Fortunately, astronomers are a friendly group, and I and others are always willing to share our telescopes with those who are experiencing issues, so it all works out in the end.

Thank you for all of the work that you went to in building my Platform. Precision craftsmanship. Shipping of the Platform to Teleport so that Tom Noe could paint it with the same special Polane paint that was used on the telescope ensuring a perfect colour match. Making sure that everything fit perfectly (and I mean perfectly!) with the telescope. Excellent instructions. Every detail attended to. Great communication via e-mail. Top professionalism displayed at every stage, from beginning to end!

Tom Noe’s Teleport. Carl Zambuto’s mirror. Tom Osypowski’s Dual Axis Equatorial Platform and dedication to Customer Service. What a terrific, trouble free and powerful combination! Everything is a joy to use and worth every penny!

Sincerely and with thanks,

Bob Hanson
Surrey, BC, Canada