great telescope is built from the mount up.
Cheap parts or poor design show up in the eyepiece.
mounts feature smooth easy motion, sure stopping
and remain still at high magnification.
Baltic Birch plywood is used for stiffness, strength,
endurance and weight reduction. Virgin Teflon riding
on select Formica laminate provides smooth sure
start/stop motion. Large altitude bearings improve
balance and provide fine incremental movement.
Whether cost, height, weight or transport is your
top goal, AstroGoods mounts are designed for your
specific needs.
designed for simple assembly, even for beginners.
our mounts are designed to minimize weight:
"Wanted to say how pleased I am. Total weight
23 lbs, a full 10 lbs lighter than the particle
board OEM base." - DH. Apertura AD12"
"Assembly was very easy and the mount is solid
with buttery motion. It took off a solid 7.5"
of height and 20-30 lbs!" from an old pipe
mount - Robert K. 10" f/7