Arp Sampler 4

ARP 086 (NGC 7752/53)
Spiral with Companion on Arm in Pegasus

N7752 = U12779 = M+05-56-004 = Arp 86 = VV 5
23 47.0 +29 28
13: faint, very small, elongated ~E-W. Forms a close pair with brighter N7753 2' NE. A mag 14 star is 1.2' NE of center and situated between the galaxies.

N7753 = U12780 = M+05-56-005 = Arp 86 = VV 5
23 47.1 +29 29
13: fairly faint, moderately large, weak concentration. A mag 14 star is 0.9' SW of center. Forms a close pair with N7752 2.0' SSW. This is a M51-type system with N7752 at the end of a spiral arm.

ARP 206 (NGC 3432)
Galaxy with Irregularities in Leo Minor

N3432 = U05986 = M+06-24-028 = Z184-030 = Arp 206 = VV 11
10 52.5 +36 37
17.5: fairly bright, large, edge-on 6:1 SW-NE, 3'x0.5. Irregular surface brightness and fainter on the SW end. Appears to have a sharper light cut-off on the N side (due to dust?). A mag 12.5 star is 48" E of center and two mag 12/13 star are very close to the SW tip 1.4' from center. The galaxy appears asymetric and brightest just NW of the star near the core although this is not the geometric center. Just WSW of this star is a very weak enhancement (this is the core).

ARP 244 (NGC 4038/39)
Galaxy with Appearance of Fission in Corvus

N4038 = E572-047 = M-03-31-014 = Ring-Tail galaxy = VV 245 = Antennae = Arp 244a
12 01.9 -18 52
17.5 (4/29/84 and 5/14/88): fairly bright, moderately large. Forms a striking "shrimp-like" or "comma" shape with the tail attached at the E end and extending to the S. Appears clearly darker between the two objects on the W side.
13 (5/21/82): appears as two irregular galaxies connected at the E end.

N4039 = E572-048 = Ring-Tail galaxy = VV 245 = Antennae = Arp 244b = M-03-31-015
12 01.9 -18 53
17.5: this is the southern member of the striking "Ring-Tail galaxy". Attached at the E side of N4038 and forms a "tail" elongated NW-SE.

ARP 294 (NGC 3786/88)
Double Galaxy with Long Filaments in Ursa Major

N3786 = U06621 = M+05-28-008 = Arp 294a = VV 228b = Mrk 744 = Ho 272b
11 39.7 +31 55
17.5: moderately bright, moderately large, elongated 5:2 WSW-ENE, bright core. Forms a pleasing close pair with N3788 (separation of 1.4' NW). The galaxies are elongated at nearly right angles and almost attached at the ENE end of N3786. A mag 10.5 star is 2' SE.

N3788 = U06623 = VV 228a = Arp 294b = M+05-28-009
11 39.7 +31 56
17.5: moderately bright, fairly small, very elongated 3:1 N-S, brighter core. Forms a striking pair of elongated spirals with N3786 1.4' SW which is almost attached at the S end of N3788. A mag 10.5 star is 2.7' SE.