Hydra 1 (AGC 1060)

This is a lovely nearby cluster, only about 165 million light years away. Its central region includes six NGC galaxies brighter than 14th magnitude within a 20 arcminute field. The cluster is dominated by a pair of giant ellipticals, NGC 3309 and NGC 3311. Also known as Hydra I, Abell 1060 is a member of the Hydra - Centaurus Supercluster.

Observing Notes by Steve Gottlieb

N3285 = E501-015 = M-04-25-019
10 33.6 -27 27
13: fairly faint, fairly small, slightly elongated WNW-ESE, small bright nucleus. Located 7' SSW of mag 7.7 SAO 178978. This member of Abell 1060 forms a trio with N3285A 12' WSW and N3285B 18' SE.

N3308 = E501-034 = M-04-25-032
10 36.4 -27 26
13: fairly faint, small, round, small weak concentration. First of five in a 20' field in the core of Abell 1060.

N3309 = E501-036 = Abell 1060 = M-04-25-034
10 36.6 -27 31
13: moderately bright, small, round. A mag 13.5 star is at the E edge. Forms a close pair with N3311 1.7' E. Second of five in the core of Abell 1060.

N3311 = E501-038 = M-04-25-036
10 36.7 -27 32
13: third of five in the core of Abell 1060. Fairly faint, small, even surface brightness. Appears larger than N3309 1.7' W but with a lower surface brightness. N3312 lies 4.8' SE. Located 7.7' N of mag 6.8 SAO 179027.

N3312 = E501-043 = M-04-25-039 = IC 629
10 37.0 -27 34
13: fourth of five in the core of Abell 1060. Moderately bright, small, stellar nucleus, elongated 2:1 NNW-SSE. N3311 lies 4.8' NW. Located 7.0' NE of mag 6.8 SAO 179027.

N3314 = E501-IG046A/B = M-04-25-041
10 37.2 -27 41
13: fifth of five in the core of Abell 1060. Fairly faint, small, elongated ~NW-SE. Located 6.8' ESE of mag 6.8 SAO 179027. N3312 lies 7.6' NNW.