All Aluminum Telescopes with
   Platform Drive
  SlipStream GoTo Drive

About Our Platforms

Pictures: Telescopes on Platforms
The Awesome Aluminum Platform.

Platform Accessories:

    Cordless Slew Control
    Polar Alignment Tool
    Built-in Battery
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Full Review: 20" f3.0 SpicaEyes Telescope on a Platform

CloudyNights Review

Owners Speak Out

A Customer Review by Markus Hagi

Customer Comment of the Month
   Updated 11/23/23

 Astrophotography with a Platform
 MallinCam Imaging
 MallinCam at the 2010 OSP
 Image of the Month Updated 12/13/24



Equatorial Platforms
Phone/Fax 530 615-1807



Equatorial Platforms
for great Dob tracking.

A well-made Dobsonian telescope is an excellent observing machine. It features unmatched stability and smoothness of motion. Plus, it is eminently compact and transportable. However, the Dobsonian has one major drawback - no motor drive. You have to push it around to follow what you're viewing. This can get to be a hassle.

Set a Dobsonian on an Equatorial Platform and experience instant motorized tracking! Wherever you point, you're tracking - smoothly, precisely - without losing stability, ease of operation or portability.

A Dobsonian mounted on an EQUATORIAL PLATFORM becomes the ultimate user-friendly telescope. Perfect for High-Power Drawing, Classes, Star-Parties, Group Viewing, Astrophotography and CCD Imaging

Large Aperture
Aluminum Telescope System with SlipStream GoTo Drive

These new SpicaEyes Telescopes combine solid All-Aluminum construction with a new GoTo drive system that integrates a Slip Clutch on both axes for full-time manual and motorized slew control.

32" f2.8 SlipStream Telescope
with Lockwood Optics

Recently, Equatorial Platforms has completed the construction, assembly and testing of a new 32" F2.8 SlipStream Telescope.
Click here for a report
of the telescope’s mechanical and optical performance, based on testing/calibration over a period of several evenings. While the quality of the night sky during these sessions was not superior, still, certain evaluations can be made about both the mechanics and the optics of this amazing telescope.

30" f3.3 SlipStream Telescope
with Kennedy Optics

Click here to see a PDF article about this amazing telescope in the Sept/Oct. 2010 issue of Astronomy Technology Today.


You can find objects fast by using the included Argo Navis computer. The telescope will automatically slew, or you can move it by hand. Once you find your target, the telescope will track it for you, keeping it centered in the field of view. The integrated SlipStream clutches allow you to move the scope at any time by hand or with the motorized slew control, with no levers to disengage.

These SpicaEyes Aluminum Telescopes are also available with Integrated Aluminum Platforms for superior imaging capability.

Customer Comment of the Month

Sean C. recently received a Dual-axis Platform from us for his 10" Apertura Dob in order to do planetary imaging. Here is a picture of his set up, with the scope on the Platform, and also an image of Jupiter, his "best yet". His comments about that image:

"So it is a combination of 10 stacked photos derotated in Winjupos for the final image. Each of the 10 original photos were 3min videos shot at 200fps, for about 36k frames. I stacked roughly half those frames for each one. So all told it's about 180,000 frames to that final image."

Telescope: Apertura AD10
Camera: zwo asi585mc.:
Baader 2.25x Barlow spaced closer to 2.67x.
Used Astro Surface, Winjupos, Registax to process.
: Sean has been doing some remarkable deepsky imaging with his 10" on its Dual-axis Platform. Here is a link to a sample of those. Most of the images are stacked 20-30sec subs with about1 hour of total exposure. Sean used an auto-guiding setup for taking the subs. This photo of NGC 4631, the Whale Galaxy, is one example: