Burbidge's Chain in Cetus

MCG-4-3-10 14.4
MCG-4-3-13 14.6
MCG-4-3-11 15.7
MCG-4-3-12 17.0

This interesting chain of four MCG galaxies lies only 18 arcminutes NNE of NGC 247, a giant member of the nearby Sculptor Group. (NGC 247 itself is 9th-magnitude but of very low surface brightness, which can make it tough to spot in a smaller scope.) The northernmost and southernmost members of the chain are relatively easy to pick up in a 17.5" scope.

Notes on Burbidge's Chain by Steve Gottlieb

E540-023 = M-04-03-010 = VV 518 = A0045-20A = Burbidge's Chain
00 47 35.1 -20 25 44
V = 13.6; Size 1.0x0.4; SB = 12.5; PA = 21d

17.5": brightest and furthest north of trio in "Burbidge's Chain" (VV 518). At 220x, appears faint, small, elongated 5:2 SSW-NNE, 0.8'x0.3', even surface brightness. Located 1.2' S of a mag 12 star. Collinear with E540-024 3.4' S and E540-025 5.5' S! Located 18' NNE of the huge galaxy N247.

E540-024 = M-04-03-011 = VV 518 = Burbidge's Chain
00 47 37.0 -20 29 10
Size 0.7x0.6

17.5": this is a marginal galaxy in Burbidge's Chain (VV 518), sandwiched between E540-23 just 3.4' N and E540-25 2.0' S. Required averted vision and only popped into view momentarily as a threshold 15" knot. A mag 14 star lies 1.5' W.

E540-025 = M-04-03-013 = VV 518 = A0045-20B = Burbidge's Chain
00 47 37.9 -20 31 12
V = 14.0; Size 1.0x0.9; SB = 13.7

17.5": furthest south of three members view in Burbidge's Chain (VV 518). Appears extremely faint, small, roundish, ~25" diameter. Requires averted though can almost hold continuously with concentration. E540-024 lies 2.0' N.